Safety status

Missing security header: Strict-Transport-Security

Response headers do not include the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header
Vulnerability description
We noticed that the target application lacks the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header in its responses. This security header is crucial as it instructs browsers to only establish secure (HTTPS) connections with the web server and reject any HTTP connections.
Risk description
The risk is that lack of this header permits an attacker to force a victim user to initiate a clear-text HTTP connection to the server, thus opening the possibility to eavesdrop on the network traffic and extract sensitive information (e.g. session cookies).
The Strict-Transport-Security HTTP header should be sent with each HTTPS response. The syntax is as follows: `Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=<seconds>[; includeSubDomains]` The parameter `max-age` gives the time frame for requirement of HTTPS in seconds and should be chosen quite high, e.g. several months. A value below 7776000 is considered as too low by this scanner check. The flag `includeSubDomains` defines that the policy applies also for sub domains of the sender of the response.

Missing security header: Content-Security-Policy

Response does not include the HTTP Content-Security-Policy security header or meta tag
Vulnerability description
We noticed that the target application lacks the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) header in its HTTP responses. The CSP header is a security measure that instructs web browsers to enforce specific security rules, effectively preventing the exploitation of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
Risk description
The risk is that if the target application is vulnerable to XSS, lack of this header makes it easily exploitable by attackers.
Configure the Content-Security-Header to be sent with each HTTP response in order to apply the specific policies needed by the application.

Missing security header: Referrer-Policy

Response headers do not include the Referrer-Policy HTTP security header as well as the <meta> tag with name 'referrer' is not present in the response.
Vulnerability description
We noticed that the target application's server responses lack the Referrer-Policy HTTP header, which controls how much referrer information the browser will send with each request originated from the current web application.
Risk description
The risk is that if a user visits a web page (e.g. "") and clicks on a link from that page going to e.g. "", the browser will send to Google the full originating URL in the `Referer` header, assuming the Referrer-Policy header is not set. The originating URL could be considered sensitive information and it could be used for user tracking.
The Referrer-Policy header should be configured on the server side to avoid user tracking and inadvertent information leakage. The value `no-referrer` of this header instructs the browser to omit the Referer header entirely.

Nothing was found for unsafe HTTP header Content Security Policy.

Nothing was found for Secure flag of cookie.

Nothing was found for HttpOnly flag of cookie.

Nothing was found for domain too loose set for cookies.

Nothing was found for missing HTTP header - X-Content-Type-Options.

Nothing was found for directory listing.

Nothing was found for secure communication.

Nothing was found for enabled HTTP OPTIONS method.

Nothing was found for enabled HTTP debug methods.

Nothing was found for use of untrusted certificates.

Security.txt file is missing

Vulnerability description
We have noticed that the server is missing the security.txt file, which is considered a good practice for web security. It provides a standardized way for security researchers and the public to report security vulnerabilities or concerns by outlining the preferred method of contact and reporting procedures.
Risk description
There is no particular risk in not having a security.txt file for your server. However, this file is important because it offers a designated channel for reporting vulnerabilities and security issues.
We recommend you to implement the security.txt file according to the standard, in order to allow researchers or users report any security issues they find, improving the defensive mechanisms of your server.

Nothing was found for client access policies.

Nothing was found for vulnerabilities of server-side software.

Website is accessible.

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